Do you need peace and calm back in your life?
If you said yes then you need the PEACE & RELAXATION BUNDLE available at Ananda. This bundle was created by calling on the guidance of my Angels to assist with the choosing of each tool to use during this practice of relaxation.
What's in the bundle?
--> WINGED INSPIRATIONAL ANGEL as a reminder to trust the Journey and be kind to yourself
--> THIRD EYE CANDLE with essential oils of Lavender, Fir, and Chamomile
How to use it:
Place the THIRD EYE CANDLE and the WINGED INSPIRATIONAL ANGEL statue at your altar or any designated area for you away from any distractions.
Light the candle, and breathe a few times to bring your energy into the present time.
Open THE LITTLE BOOK OF MINDFULNESS and practice the 10 min exercise provided.
When finished, take the DUMORTIERITE WORRY STONE and keep it with you throughout the day or as needed.
Enjoy the journey!
Love and light,
More about the stone:
Dumortierite makes you more receptive when in contact with spirit guides. Carefreeness, serenity, courage, faith, trust. Helps with nervousness, stress, compulsion, panic, anxiety, homesickness, grief, and depression.
NOTE: Please don’t leave a candle unattended.